Sunday 5 May 2013

Towards the battle....Skin Tone

Hi buddy....
time to post a new figure....after the official presentation for the 2014 world expo in Stresa (Italy), I'm free to post it.
the figure has been sculpted by Mariano Numitone....
the box art has been paintetd by Ugo Solvino....and here my version..
the period is around 16th century..somewhere in europe and this is a Spanish officer that marches towards the battle...precisely...Italy and the Tornavento's battle.....the journey starts...

I'd like to show you how I manage three tones: skin tone, white and red.

1st - Skin tone:

here a pic of the basic palette...

The colors used are:

Brown Sand_876

Basic SkinTone_815

Burnt Cadmium Red _814


Olive Green_967

well, I've tried to used as basic tones, the colors used by Jaume Ortiz with some differences, the red vermilion to warm the shadows and the olive grenn to give at the subject an evil glance.
(thanks Jaume to share your helps to try new things!!)
so...I use the brown sand as base...adding basic skintone I made lights and adding burnt cadmium red I made the shadows...
after lay down the base color, I start with the lights, gradually from the 1st till the 3rd...and then lay down the for the lights from the 1st untill the 3rd....
once found the volumes, lights and shadows I use the blending technique to give a smooth appearance, using all colors of the palette plus as I vermillion to warm the shadows and olive green to enphasize the glance, I'd like to underline that at this stage the colors are very very diluited...


  1. Interessantissimo ! Complimenti lancio

  2. il tuo incarnato è sempre qualcosa di realistico e in parte magico..
    grande..come sempre!!!

  3. Un giorno ti obbligherò a farmi vedere live come dipingi!
